Preparations for the 17th Dutch PHP Conference in Full Swing!
We are excited to welcome you on October 13, 2023, for the online conference. :elephant::tada:

Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
We are excited to welcome you on October 13, 2023, for the online conference. :elephant::tada:
Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
Het bedrijf is officieel ISO 27001 en ISO 9001 gecertificeerd voor informatiebeveiliging en kwaliteitsmanagement.
Tom Schenkenberg
March 1, 2023
Mireille Spithorst
October 18, 2022
When it comes to coming up with great slogans, you run into trouble quite often…
Mireille Spithorst
July 27, 2022
Tom Schenkenberg
June 30, 2022
”We searched for a partner that could provide more than just programmers. We wanted to outsource the whole thing and so we really looked for a strategic partner….”
Monica Lous
October 11, 2021
In June 2020, version 9 of Drupal was launched. So it’s time to upgrade your Drupal 7 or Drupal 8 websites to this new version.
Gino van Goethem
September 28, 2021
Ibuildings is the technical partner for the Continuity of Internet Services Foundation.
Tom Schenkenberg
February 24, 2021
In this working from home period it is a must for a smooth operation within every company; a good tool for internal communication.
Monica Lous
November 18, 2020
At Ibuildings we use Browserstack, among other things, to perform both technical and functional tests.
Monica Lous
November 17, 2020
My first month as Sales Executive at Ibuildings is over. And I’ve already learned a lot!
Jori Helberg
September 10, 2020
Today (June 8th) we celebrate the 25th anniversary of PHP. Ibuildings thanks everyone who contributed to PHP for their efforts!
Tom Schenkenberg
June 8, 2020
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Dutch PHP Conference 2020 will be an online event this year.
Tom Schenkenberg
April 17, 2020
Ibuildings is growing! We are launching a new office in Brussels from 1 March 2020. From this new location we will serve existing and new clients.
Tom Schenkenberg
February 17, 2020