Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
The DPC team is hard at work organising the next edition of the Dutch PHP Conference! We are excited to welcome you on October 13, 2023, for the online conference. 🐘🎉
We are actively seeking high-quality, technical and non-technical sessions from speakers who can cover advanced topics and keep our audience inspired.
In the past, we’ve had the privilege to host some great speakers delivering presentations on a wide array of topics such as the PHP ecosystem, frameworks, DevOps, architecture, JavaScript, scaling, testing, performance, security and more. And we’re eager to continue with these very crucial topics during this year’s conference.
Additionally, we’re inviting speakers to discuss non-technical subjects increasingly instrumental in maintaining success as a developer or a development team. These are topics like communication, understanding, relationships, self-management and even the business and economics part of development. In short, the soft skills that complement deep technical skills. And of course, about the environment necessary for being successful as a technical developer.
This invitation is meant to be broad, hoping to inspire everyone to share their ideas, insights, and hard-fought experiences in the wider development field in which we all work and thrive.
The call for papers is open up to and including July 28th. For more information, please refer to: https://phpconference.nl/call-for-papers-dpc23
We look forward to your contribution to the Dutch PHP Conference 2023!