Preparations for the 17th Dutch PHP Conference in Full Swing!
We are excited to welcome you on October 13, 2023, for the online conference. :elephant::tada:

Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
We are excited to welcome you on October 13, 2023, for the online conference. :elephant::tada:
Tom Schenkenberg
June 19, 2023
Het bedrijf is officieel ISO 27001 en ISO 9001 gecertificeerd voor informatiebeveiliging en kwaliteitsmanagement.
Tom Schenkenberg
March 1, 2023
Mireille Spithorst
October 18, 2022
When it comes to coming up with great slogans, you run into trouble quite often…
Mireille Spithorst
July 27, 2022
My first month as Sales Executive at Ibuildings is over. And I’ve already learned a lot!
Jori Helberg
September 10, 2020
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Dutch PHP Conference 2020 will be an online event this year.
Tom Schenkenberg
April 17, 2020
Ibuildings is growing! We are launching a new office in Brussels from 1 March 2020. From this new location we will serve existing and new clients.
Tom Schenkenberg
February 17, 2020
Six kilos of plastic waste became this sperm whale fatal. We have seen or read dozens, if not hundreds, of such messages. And every time you think, at least I do: now something really has to change! In privacy and in our organization! At Ibuildings we think about that too. How environmentally conscious and sustainable are we really?
Joni Overbosch
April 11, 2019
Many people think the purpose of a business is to make money. The more money the company makes, the better it goes,’ is the thought. Many annual plans are made based on 30% more turnover or 10% more profit. Until a few years ago, we also worked in the same way at Ibuildings. With a larger company with more profit, the rest would be fine on its own. But that’s not how it works, I noticed with myself.
Joni Overbosch
January 14, 2019
At Ibuildings we work together and organise our work according to the principles of Holacracy. So without a top-down structure. With a work environment in which everyone is responsible for their own work, within appointed roles. But what does Holacracy mean in practice?
Sabine Zegwaart
October 15, 2018
For many years Ibuildings has had a formalized way of reviewing people’s skill sets. This system enables tracking of skills and relative changes in those skills over the years, across the organization.
Matthias Noback
January 25, 2017
At Ibuildings we had been anticipating DPC 2016 for quite some time. Our internal DPC crew rebooted in January, starting with an update of the website and a mailing to announce that the Call for Papers was open again.
Matthias Noback
July 4, 2016
Often a team consists entirely of developers from Ibuildings, but we also work in co-development teams where, in addition to developers from Ibuildings, the client’s own developers also work on the project.
Milan Verzijlbergh
January 13, 2014