Matthias Noback
July 4, 2016
Matthias Noback
July 4, 2016
At Ibuildings we had been anticipating DPC 2016 for quite some time. Our internal DPC crew rebooted in January, starting with an update of the website and a mailing to announce that the Call for Papers was open again. We received about 350 proposals, which we narrowed down to 55 talks and 11 tutorials. It seems we made a good selection of talks, since many people complained that it was hard to pick the right talk to watch, given there are 5 parallel talks at any time…
In April we were happy to announce our keynote speakers too: Greg Young and Ross Tuck. A great match, looking at both the topics on the schedule as well as what’s currently going on in the PHP community.
Pieces started to fall in place, with the Code Night being planned in cooperation with AmsterdamPHP co-organisers Pascal de Vink and Rafael Dohms. And together with Lineke Kerckhoffs-Willems from PHPWomen we planned a workshop for people who wanted to learn about public speaking.
The conference days themselves were great fun. It seems like everything worked out well. We’ve published some photos and you can also watch the introduction movie again.
We didn’t record the talks (we’re still not sure if it’s worth the considerable investment), but we did record the keynotes!
We hope you had a good time. If you have already sent us your feedback: thanks! We’ll be continuously looking for ways to improve. So if you want to tell or ask us anything with regard to DPC, just send us an email (dpc@ibuildings.nl). See you next year!