ZorgkaartNederland.nl is the most complete and independent overview of the care on offer in the Netherlands. Visitors will find more than 800,000 patient ratings for 130,000 institutions and care providers. Since the introduction of the free dental rates, these are also listed on the site. Ibuildings delivered a complete platform within four weeks.
Transparency in dental rates
Publisher Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum (BSL) was already in talks with Ibuildings for ZorgkaartNederland, when the NPCF wanted to open up the free dental rates online. Speed was crucial, because there was pressure from politics.
The site had to be developed, loaded and delivered within a month. With more than 6,300 dentists quite ambitious. Edwin van Dessel, Manager Operations: “Ibuildings took this energetically. We noticed that they were able to quickly empathize with our requirements”.
Main requirements: speed and quality
“Speed was crucial, but so was quality. A site stands or falls with its content, so we wanted to have as many rate lists as possible available at launch. Ibuildings developed a platform for the database, www.publiceeruwtarieven.nl, on which dentists could enter their rates themselves. In addition, there were export lists from many different sources to read in. Among others from the NPCF and from one of the financial systems that many dentists work with. The file formats varied, but Ibuildings anticipated this with a flexible import. Ibuildings then took care of publishing the collected rates on ZorgkaartNederland.nl”.
“Relief to work with”
Edwin says that Publishing Rates for BSL was a very good introduction to Ibuildings as a developer. “We already had a good feeling about them as an administrator, but have now found that that feeling is also true for a development project. It’s really a relief to work with a company where you immediately feel that you don’t have to worry technically.
We discussed everything in one appointment and put the finishing touches to the ‘i’ one more time. That was enough for them. Together we showed that we can quickly build a website that is also of good quality”.
Manage Zorgkaartnederland
As mentioned, BSL was already in contact with Ibuildings. ZorgkaartNederland was initially built quite simply. But as the site became more and more successful - now more than 3 million page views per month and almost 150 ratings per day - it was time to professionalise. Different requirements were set for quality, service, performance and security, among other things. BSL had Ibuildings carry out performance and security audits, giving them a clear picture of the site’s weaknesses and how they could solve them.
Communicate in one line
Edwin says, “Why did we ask Ibuildings to perform the audits? The site was developed in PHP, so we soon came across them as one of the few companies that deliver quality on PHP. They also have a good size. That gives you peace of mind. You’re less vulnerable as a customer, because they can always call in someone. The audits they did confirmed their reputation. You talk to people who fully understand their own technology, but also understand what you want. Many companies are technically good, but appear not to be in the same line of communication. I do have that connection with Ibuildings.”
Zorgkaartnederland continues to grow
The ambitions for ZorgkaartNederland are high. On the one hand, BSL wants to increase the number of valuations. On the other hand, the organisation wants to supplement this subjective data with objective data. Results from surveys, surveys, inspections. The aim is to provide as complete an overview as possible of healthcare in the Netherlands. This also gives the data statistical value that patients and healthcare providers can benefit from. Edwin: “Our ambitions demand a better performance with more pageviews and a site that is even more user-friendly and faster. We are entering a new phase.