Mireille Spithorst
October 18, 2022
Mireille Spithorst
October 18, 2022
Sjaak Kallemein joined Ibuildings’ development team about six weeks ago. He has already gained several years of experience as a software developer, but now he really wants to go in depth. His goal is to grow as an ICT professional. And then, of course, he is in the right place at Ibuildings.
From day one he has been working on a challenging project. He has a mentor and a tech coach to guide him with learning all the new skills. “Michiel is a calm mentor who explains everything very well” said Sjaak.
“What stands out the most is that there is really a lot of content knowledge about technology. Most of the developers at Ibuildings have been employed for years and have gained a lot of knowledge. They also like to pass on their knowledge and so they learn from each other.” Sjaak is therefore pleasantly surprised to find that everyone assumes the ability to learn. There is always more to learn and everyone is actively working on it.
Sjaak would like to grow as an ICT Professional, so his first year is all about learning, getting better and attending conferences. “Right now I still want to broaden and deepen my knowledge, after that I’ll see if I want to specialize.”
“When I started applying I actually thought it would be too high for me, but from the first contact in the application process everything went very relaxed.”
“Ibuildings is a club where you can learn, so especially as a school leaver or junior this is a good place where you can learn and apply the real trade.”