Joni Overbosch
October 30, 2018
Joni Overbosch
October 30, 2018
The last edition of Emerce (issue 167) featured a nice interview with our long-standing client RTL Nieuws.
In this interview the Drupal Foundation asks, among other things, why RTL Nieuws chose Drupal as CMS.
“We make roughly 300 publications a day,” says deputy editor-in-chief of RTL News Marc Schreuder. “With 1.2 million visitors a day on RTL News alone, it’s crucial that the system is maintained, downtime is harmful to us”, says Marc Schreuder.
Such a website therefore requires quality. Not only of the CMS, but also of the construction. This is therefore the main reason why RTL chose Ibuildings as its technical partner. Moreover, it helps that we at Ibuildings are Drupal Gold Partner.
About 8 years ago we started working with RTL for the first time from Ibuildings. Recently we were able to contribute to the roll out of the recently updated RTL websites (RTL Nieuws, RTL Late Night, RTL Z and Bright).
RTL Nieuws brings news that is important and relevant to consumers and reaches millions of people every day. On TV through the broadcasts at RTL 4, on desktop and in the app with a news feed with video, text, photos and tweets. On the website and in the app of RTL Nieuws you will also find information from RTL Z, RTL Boulevard, Editie NL and Buienradar. This brand bundling provides a powerful and unified news platform with a strong reach.
Emerce, with a circulation of over 10,000, is read by managers and entrepreneurs who have budget responsibility for online and mobile business and marketing.